General Info
June 15, 2020, Regular Meeting
Present were Nettles Brown, Ralph Ingram, William Allen and K. David Zachary, Commissioners. Absent was Dan Simmons. Also, present were Travis Tyler, Executive Director of the Port, Mickey Chambers, Assistant to the Executive Director of the Port and Mark A. Begnaud of McCoy Roberts & Begnaud, Ltd., legal counsel to the Commission.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Ingram, and duly carried to approve the minutes of the March 17, 2020, Commission meeting.
As part of the Director’s Activity Report, Mr. Tyler reported: 1) activity at the Port is down during the COVID-19 emergency period; 2) ADA shut down some activity for a few months, but is back up and running; 4) the Port brought in Rail Serve to service the locomotives. Rail Serve will continue to monitor the statuses of the locomotives and options related continued maintenance; and 5) he continues to work with potential tenants.
Also as part of the Director’s Report, Mr. Tyler reported: 1) an additional prospect visited the Port facility and the North Port Tract. The prospect is also working on potential site plan and financing issues. The prospect would hire approximately 125-150 employees initially, with the possibility to expand up to five times that size. The prospect would utilize both rail and barge.; and 2) an additional prospect has expressed an interest in the North Port tract and is working with CLECO regarding flood zone issues. The prospect would create approximately 250 jobs.
After Commissioners reviewed the March, April and May 2020 Treasurer’s Reports, a motion was made by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Ingram and duly carried to accept the reports, copies of which were available for review. Mr. Tyler reported revenue is down due to the COVID-19 Emergency and engineering expenses, but the Port is still expecting reimbursement on engineering expenses from FEMA related to Dock 3.
In Old Business, Mr. Tyler reported the following: 1) the Port continues to look at levee to bring North Port tract out of flood zone; 2) Dock 3 - the Port is still waiting for information regarding potential recovery on the contractor’s builder’s risk policy; 3) the Port has invoiced Matriculated Services for 2020 minimum tonnage required by their lease; and 5) a motion was made by Mr. Ingram, seconded by Mr. Zachary, and duly carried approving the Port to move forward with collection efforts against Matriculated.
In New Business, a motion was made by Mr. Ingram, seconded by Mr. Zachary and duly carried that Mr. Tyler look for a temporary meeting site during the COVID-19 Emergency period.
A motion was made by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Ingram and duly carried that the meeting be adjourned.